tags:ctfkvmhypervisor original link: corCTF 2024: trojan-turtles writeup newsletter link: exploits.club Weekly Newsletter 32 - Popping Basebands, Pwnie Nominated PrivEscs, The Compiler Landscape, And More

Exploits Club Summary:

We love a good CTF write-up and this post from @zolutal is just that. The Shellphish member detailed his solution for trojan-turtles, a KVM challenge featured in corCTF 2024. The write-up begins with an overview of KVM, providing a great primer for those unfamiliar. It then details the solution itself, starting with a diff of the two provided kernel modules, identifying the backdoor, and hitting the vulnerable code path. The post ends with a deep-dive on exploitation, in which the Extended Page Table is modified to map the host’s address space into the guest.