original link: Effective Fuzzing - A Dav1d Case Study newsletter link: exploits.club Weekly Newsletter 42 - Glitching With A Lighter, Pixel 9 Baseband Security, Node.js Pipe Madness, And More

Exploits Club Summary:

If you’ve been paying attention to the VR landscape over the last year or so, then you know “Oh its fuzzed by oss-fuzz” is rarely the end-of-story for finding bugs in open source projects. P0 returns this week to further that point. In this post, guest blogger Nick Galloway explains how he was able to find two integer overflows in Dav1d, an AV1 video decoder. After reviewing the oss-fuzz harnesses, he realized constraints had manually been put in place for memory purposes, effectively reducing the total coverage. By removing these, his fuzzer was able to find new codepaths and in turn, new bugs. He also discusses a handful of other ways he improved coverage, such as fuzzing on a different architecture or changing the amount of threads the fuzzer can create.