tags:hardware_hackingfirmwaremicrocontrollersecure_boot original link: Hardware and firmware reverse engineering primer: dissecting an FPV and video surveillance platform newsletter link: exploits.club Weekly Newsletter 31

Exploits Club Summary:

As the introduction states, this post out of Subreption is “not-so-short” but it is certainly full of helpful information for those of you who are looking to get into hardware and firmware reverse engineering. The blog’s goal was to detail the “general methodology and some specifics of both the hardware and software reverse engineering efforts” for an OEM video sensor platform. It starts with assessing the board, then details extracting firmware, reversing Uboot, dissecting the OS, assessing attractive targets, reversing kernel modules, and more. This is one of the more comprehensive posts we have seen when it comes to blackbox reversing of a hardware device, so add it to your ever-growing reading list.