tags:stack_overflowcar_hackinghardware_hackingpwn2own original link: Pwn2Own Automotive 2024: Hacking the JuiceBox 40 newsletter link: exploits.club Weekly Newsletter 37 - Juicy Overflows, The Art Of Exploitation, Rust in Firmware, and More

Exploits Club Summary:

Following the write-up from last month covering their ChargePoint Home Flex exploit, Sector 7 returned this week to dump the juicy details for one of their other Pwn2Own Automotive vulnerabilities - a stack overflow in Juicebox 40. The post starts with some background on the device, the custom OS, and the associated devkit and continues on to detail the vulnerability in the custom system messaging functionality. Essentially, the code performs a size check on the raw input string but doesn’t account for the length of tag outputs (such as @t to insert a 23-byte timestamp), resulting in a stack overflow. The team then talks exploitation, overwriting PC with a controllable destination in flash. Unfortunately, the bug resulted in a collision, but made for a great write-up nonetheless.