tags:game_hackingluabytecodetype_confusion original link: Bytecode Breakdown: Unraveling Factorio’s Lua Security Flaws newsletter link: exploits.club Weekly Newsletter 29

Exploits Club Summary:

If anyone knows the author of this post, please let us know because it has got to be one of the cleanest write-ups we have seen in a long time. Everything is carefully explained and broken down, and the whole thing flows in a manner that makes sense even without prior context. While it is long, there’s lots to cover. The post addresses the way Lua bytecode can be manipulated in a malicious manner in order to achieve remote code execution. The author demonstrates this by first causing a type confusion to leak a memory addresses, before diving into creating fake objects and gaining control of the instruction pointer. They then demonstrate the attack on the popular game Factorio, which will run the exploit when they connect to the malicious game server.